Curious Yellow?
From 19/09
Pumped this morning when I got to the Lactation Resource Centre. What came out was YELLOW. Was mildly weirded out, but didn't photograph it. I should have taken a happy snap, because later that day I was walking past a big board showing you what different types of milk looked like, from different stages of breastfeeding. The first one was colostrum, the stuff that your body produces first thing post-partum and that is thick and full of nutrients. IT IS ALSO BRIGHT YELLOW! Damn, shouldn't have tipped my 'mutant milk' down the sink- should have tasted it at least as it appears it was the really good stuff. Next pumping it was back to being white, which was rather disappointing. Hoping that tomorrow is the same as today so I can take a picture and also show it to the women there. Will probably be grossing some of you casual readers out about now, but to me it is VERY exciting! And I bought myself the 'I make milk/What's your superpower?' t-shirt. Fantastic! And I am finding TONS of articles that will be extremely useful for my work, all sorts of quirky things filed in these huge folders from the last 30 years or so (and fortunately there is a database). Think I will need a couple of days more there!
Pumped again when I got here. Not as yellow, and a bit more watery, but I took some photos anway which I will download here when I get back to Sydney. Nobody seemed too excited or suprised about it as I was. Had been told that when inducing you didn't produce colostrum, and in addition to this I presumed that as I had already been getting thin white (fore?)milk that colostrum wouldn't be making an appearance.
Have run out of Dom Peridone (or Mo Tillium if you prefer- they both sound like gangsters) and thinking maybe just try to kep going with the fenugreek and see what happens. Not pumping very often while on this trip, and don't want to dry it up completely. Hmm...
Apparently asparagus consumption may turn my milk black. And green cordial or spinach may turn it green. This MUST be tried!
Pumped this morning when I got to the Lactation Resource Centre. What came out was YELLOW. Was mildly weirded out, but didn't photograph it. I should have taken a happy snap, because later that day I was walking past a big board showing you what different types of milk looked like, from different stages of breastfeeding. The first one was colostrum, the stuff that your body produces first thing post-partum and that is thick and full of nutrients. IT IS ALSO BRIGHT YELLOW! Damn, shouldn't have tipped my 'mutant milk' down the sink- should have tasted it at least as it appears it was the really good stuff. Next pumping it was back to being white, which was rather disappointing. Hoping that tomorrow is the same as today so I can take a picture and also show it to the women there. Will probably be grossing some of you casual readers out about now, but to me it is VERY exciting! And I bought myself the 'I make milk/What's your superpower?' t-shirt. Fantastic! And I am finding TONS of articles that will be extremely useful for my work, all sorts of quirky things filed in these huge folders from the last 30 years or so (and fortunately there is a database). Think I will need a couple of days more there!
Pumped again when I got here. Not as yellow, and a bit more watery, but I took some photos anway which I will download here when I get back to Sydney. Nobody seemed too excited or suprised about it as I was. Had been told that when inducing you didn't produce colostrum, and in addition to this I presumed that as I had already been getting thin white (fore?)milk that colostrum wouldn't be making an appearance.
Have run out of Dom Peridone (or Mo Tillium if you prefer- they both sound like gangsters) and thinking maybe just try to kep going with the fenugreek and see what happens. Not pumping very often while on this trip, and don't want to dry it up completely. Hmm...
Apparently asparagus consumption may turn my milk black. And green cordial or spinach may turn it green. This MUST be tried!
Breastfeeding and colostrum play an equally important role in the rapid development of the digestive system immediately after birth, and in the further strengthening of the immune system throughout the first few weeks of life.
Colostrum is rich in non-nutritional proteins essential for the maturation and decreased permeability of the lower digestive tract, and newborns receiving colostrum during the first three days of life show a decreased incidence of diarrhea during their first 6 months.
Colostrum also contains high concentrations of antibodies called immunoglobulins. Rather than being absorbed in the body, the immunoglobulins in colostrum adhere to mucosal surfaces in the throat, lungs, and intestines of newborns, protecting them against infection by preventing pathogens from sticking to or penetrating these surfaces.
In order to ensure optimal digestive and immune system development and meet the changing nutritional needs of newborns and infants, breastfeeding should occur as often as possible, with newborns ideally having constant access to breasts during the first 24 to 72 hours after birth.
A good general guideline to follow for breastfeeding frequency is 8-12 times throughout each 24-hour period. More frequent feeding stimulates increased mature milk production, and also helps prevent engorging as babies get older.
If possible, infants should continue breastfeeding for the first 6-12 months to aid in the further development of the immune system. To prevent the onset of milk or other food allergies later in a baby’s development, it is often best not to introduce other foods into the diet during this time.
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